
This blog is about a serious issue that effects many internet users around the world, named cyber-bullying. We hope that this blog helps people understand what cyber bullying is, and hopefully change some minds along the way. Remember, you can be your biggest oppressor if you do not know the world you live in.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Rebecca Black

     Rebecca Black became famous fast but for the wrong reasons. She sang the song "Friday" which is known nation wide and is currently number 27 on itunes top 100 songs. People say its the worse song ever. This is a great example of cyber-bullying.  In this video Rebecca is getting interviewed by Good Morning America and Rebecca talks about how she is affected by cyber-bullying. 



  1. The color of your symbol/poster is powerful and it fits your theme/subject. Red has so many meanings. It represents power; it represents the seriousness of the situation; it represents danger; it says STOP. The shadows of the figures can also represent death.

  2. This is a good example of cyber-bullying, everybody knows who Rebecca Black is so we can all relate to this post. Whenever you post something on the internet it can haunt you forever, and Rebecca Black is definitely famous for the wrong reasons. Everyone who has listened to this song has made some harsh comments that could effect her in a bad way.
